Stacy's Birth Story: Kaleb

“Wednesday April 17, 2019 at 10:40 am I lost my mucus plug. I was having mild and irregular contractions. Around 2:30pm I was still having irregular contractions but they were getting stronger so we decided to go for a brisk walk to try and get things rolling. The walk helped but as soon as I would sit down the contractions would stop. So I decided to take a nap. About 4pm my contractions woke me up they were strong but still very irregular. At 6:27pm I texted Carmen asking about coming into the birthing center because the contractions were getting very uncomfortable and I thought I would feel better if I went into the birthing center.

“At 6:37 Carmen text back saying she would meet us there in 20 minutes. On our drive my contractions started to be come very strong and close together. I needed to really focus on my breathing to get through the contracts. On the last mile and a half of the drive I started to worry that we weren't going to make it to the birthing center. Then out of know where I felt a pop. My first thought was my water broke but I didn't feel anything else. I remember my husband asking me so how do you feel? Do you feel confident? I told him no. That I didn't think we're going to make it to the birthing center and that I think my water just broke and a few seconds after telling him that I had a strong contraction with the urge to push providing the proof that the pop I felt was my water breaking. My husband assured me that we were going to make it. He told me I see the tire place we're almost there.

“A few minutes later we were parked and trying to get out of our truck. As my husband is coming around the truck I had another pushing contraction I told my husband the baby's coming. I was trying to get out of the truck but I was having trouble so my husband picked me up and got me out. Once out of the truck I couldn't move due to a contraction so my husband called Carmen to see if she was able to come help us get inside but we had made it to the birthing center just before her. As my husband is talking to Carmen I had another contraction and it felt like the baby’s head started to crown so I pulled my pants down to check and felt the baby head. I looked at my husband and said catch the baby. He kneeled down in front of me and helped the baby come out. As soon as the baby came out into his hands Carmen was right there with us and helped us get the umbilical cord untangled and helped us inside.” ~Stacy P.

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