Childbirth Education Classes....Why do I Need Them?

Statistically, people do more research when buying a car than they do when having a baby...isn't that shocking?!  I think childbirth education (CBE) classes are the equivalent to taking Driver’s Ed when you’re a teenager: 1) You take them because you want to and should know what’s going on within the “vehicle”, 2) So that you learn how to take action to make appropriate decisions, and 3) So that you don’t have regrets after the fact if things don’t go your way.  But what type of CBE class should you take?  Where should you take them?  When should you start?  What will the classes discuss?  Do you need to take them if you already took CBE classes with a previous pregnancy or if this is your 2nd, 3rd, 10th child?  What happens if you don’t take them?  Keep reading if you want to find out…

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A Midwife's Own Birth Story: Part Two "Hunter Jackson"

When I became pregnant with Hunter in 2010, I was not only thrilled that we would be welcoming a new little one into our family, but also that I would have the chance to give birth differently than with my daughter.   While her birth was wonderful (see my other blog posting “A Midwife’s Own Birth Story: Part One Keira Sage”), it felt like something was missing for me.  I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I wanted something different….something more empowering. 

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